Ice Breaker Games

It. Is. HOT. But that didn’t stop us from sweating as a community and playing some games to get to know each other. Every year it’s the same games, we know. But they are fun games and the campers love them. It really helps to get to know each other by being in a large group the first night of camp instead of separating into smaller counseling groups. This year it was hotter than usual, so we only played a few games. Here are a few videos of our ice breaker games:

Technological Wonderment

FYI – the CROMS has an iPhone 4. That’s not to brag, it’s to explain the amazing-ness of the link in this post. You are about to view a video taken just a few hours ago at the pool during staff night. It was taken with the video camera on the iPhone 4, and uploaded directly to YouTube from the phone. Keep in mind we’re in the sticks in southern Indiana, and somehow we have uploaded a pretty good quality video taken ON A CELL PHONE for your immediate viewing pleasure. Enjoy:

2009 Camp Video – OFFICIAL TRAILER

This trailer was created in order to whet your appetite for the soon-to-be-distributed 2009 camp video. We’re not exactly sure how we’re going to distribute it yet. It is 2 DVDs, the first being camp footage and photos from Friday night and Saturday, and the second being No Talent Night. Until then, feast your eyes upon the official trailer for the 2009 Camp Video:

Click here to view/download video

Nursing Home Visit 2009

On Thursday morning we went as a group to Mitchell Manor, the local nursing home about 10 minutes from camp grounds, to sing some songs and play some bingo with the residents. The residents could not have been happier. We were very impressed with the way the campers integrated with everyone and so was the staff at the Nursing Home. We were there for about 2 hours. Here is a photoset from the visit, and hopefully we’ll be able to post video from the singing.