Ice Breaker Games

It. Is. HOT. But that didn’t stop us from sweating as a community and playing some games to get to know each other. Every year it’s the same games, we know. But they are fun games and the campers love them. It really helps to get to know each other by being in a large group the first night of camp instead of separating into smaller counseling groups. This year it was hotter than usual, so we only played a few games. Here are a few videos of our ice breaker games:

Camp Kick-off Night

We kicked-off summer camp 2009 with a bang. Actually about 50 bangs. One of our ice-breaker games was the “balloon game” where campers tied balloons to their ankles and tried to stomp on others’ balloons and pop them. Campers also participated in “hip to hip”, and the tape-pulling-piggy-back game, which we still have not come up with a name for. Caleb Wilson took the reigns of the bull horn during the games and did a smashing job. Then we all went down to the cafeteria for Edna’s pizza (we must keep her in business) and brownies, and mingled a bit … Continue reading