Friday Evening Vespers

On Friday evening we had a vespers service instead of the typical Small Compline since we are having divine liturgy tomorrow morning. Fr. James prayed over and anointed the campers who are seniors, and then proceeded to anoint everyone with myrrh from the weeping icon of St. Nicholas as they left vespers. It was pretty cool. Check out some video clips from vespers. Fr. David Wey & Jonathan Wey Troparia & Kontakia Vespers: Oh Gladsome Light Fr. James Anoints the Seniors Fr. James Vespers Anointing

Fun Times At Mitchell Manor

Wow. What an amazing time we had at Mitchell Manor. The residents and staff were absolutely thrilled by our presence, as we showed up for songs and bingo for the second year in a row. This year, we sang a few familiar hymns and a few contemporary praise songs, and then the campers dispersed amongst the residents and got ready for bingo. There wasn’t a resident in the room who didn’t have at least two campers by their side. It truly was uplifting, and we’re thankful for the ability to be able to provide some excitement in their lives. We hope to keep this tradition up for years to come.

Tuesday Videos

Campers are starting to get comfortable in their new camp setting and taking part in a lot of wonderful activities. Spending time with other Orthodox kids all day and taking part in prayers & praise time has a very good effect on spiritual life, and playing group sports, creating arts & crafts, and dining together nurtures social interaction and definitely boosts moral (which is already high). It’s a very well-rounded schedule with plenty of time for competitive sports and just plain hanging out. Here are some videos from Tuesday, starting with morning prayers, continuing to the senior high guys serving breakfast, and finally the very talented Farisons on strings:

Prisoner's Base

Last night we had a lovely dinner of penne alfredo, green beans, breadsticks, and dirt pudding, followed by praise time and an all-camp game of Prisoner’s Base, which could be explained as a hybrid of tag and capture the flag. After the game the campers had delicious water melon, lots of H20, and gave a few interviews about their experience. Here is a smattering of videos from last night, including praise time, several live-action Prisoner’s Base clips, and finally one of the post-game interviews. Hopefully we’ll get audio from the teachings up later today.

Prisoner’s Base

Last night we had a lovely dinner of penne alfredo, green beans, breadsticks, and dirt pudding, followed by praise time and an all-camp game of Prisoner’s Base, which could be explained as a hybrid of tag and capture the flag. After the game the campers had delicious water melon, lots of H20, and gave a few interviews about their experience. Here is a smattering of videos from last night, including praise time, several live-action Prisoner’s Base clips, and finally one of the post-game interviews. Hopefully we’ll get audio from the teachings up later today.