Fun Times At Mitchell Manor

Wow. What an amazing time we had at Mitchell Manor. The residents and staff were absolutely thrilled by our presence, as we showed up for songs and bingo for the second year in a row. This year, we sang a few familiar hymns and a few contemporary praise songs, and then the campers dispersed amongst the residents and got ready for bingo. There wasn’t a resident in the room who didn’t have at least two campers by their side. It truly was uplifting, and we’re thankful for the ability to be able to provide some excitement in their lives. We hope to keep this tradition up for years to come.

Bless The Lord My Soul

Campers Playing Bingo With Residents of Mitchell Manor

One Comment:

  1. Mrs. Mother of 3 Combseseses

    wow, that looked like a good time was had by all, and there was no cheating, right????

    The residents were all smiles!

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