Wednesday Teachings – Frs. Joseph, James, David, & Peter

We have finished processing the video for the teachings on Wednesday of Summer Camp 2010. The video files are quite large, and are in MPEG format. You can right-click and save as to download the files, or you can click the link and view it in your browser, depending on your specific browser and media player plugin. The first teaching went longer than the tape and we weren’t able to get the end of the teaching, unfortunately.

Wednesday Teachings – Frs. Joseph, James, David, & Peter

We have finished processing the video for the teachings on Wednesday of Summer Camp 2010. The video files are quite large, and are in MPEG format. You can right-click and save as to download the files, or you can click the link and view it in your browser, depending on your specific browser and media player plugin. The first teaching went longer than the tape and we weren’t able to get the end of the teaching, unfortunately.

Last Day of Summer Camp 2010

What an amazing year! Last night the prayer walk and reflection time afterwards was really something special. Lots of new campers as well as old veterans gave thanksgivings for camp. We had a light sprinkle but it dissipated as the night went on, and we had a roaring bonfire to keep us warm. Most of the campers gave thanks for all the work that the staff does to keep this camp rolling, and also gave thanks for the new friends they met and the ability to experience such a magical and holy week filled with true fellowship. We’re very sad to see camp come to a close, but all things must end, and really, every end is the beginning to something possibly even better than the last. As Luke read in the end of Lewis’ The Last Battle, we are moving further up and deeper in, thanks to all of the special things God has planned for us. We are very thankful to be able to see God here at camp in the hearts of all the young people and in nature all around us. Each year keeps getting better and better, as several campers pointed out last night, and we look forward to next year with great anticipation! Here are some photos from the past week: