Evening Activities

Campers took part in our 2007 Camp Olympic Games before heading over to the pool for a Hawaiian-themed luau. Special thanks to Bob Abel and David Becker for driving all the way down, setting up and cleaning up, and in doing so making this an unforgettable week.

Here are some more photos from the nighttime festivities as well as some various other activities from Monday night and Tuesday. By the way, thanks so much to Alison Curry and Joshua Coolman for taking all of these wonderful photos!


Campers are trying to make these counselors laugh. They get a point for each counselor that laughs. There are very few known instances of someone making all three counselors laugh at the same time.


This may have gotten a solitary chuckle, if that. You can see what lengths the campers must go through to earn points on this Camp Olympics event.


As the sun gets lower in the sky things start to cool off, and that’s when the real fun begins.


Classic horseshoe toss… not as easy as it looks.


Brothers don’t shake hands, brothers gotta hug!


Josh Hodges gives instructions for an event.


David Becker and Bob Abel, manning the luau ice cream stand and awaiting the flood of campers about to descend upon them.


I think that’s Tim Barnes’ hand, not Anna Curry’s. I HOPE that’s Tim Barnes’ hand, not Anna Curry’s.


Tim again, this time speaking for a teaching session on Tuesday morning.


Our wonderful food servers about to serve up some Phily cheese steaks during lunch on Tuesday.

On a more personal note, we really hope you weren’t too cold on your drive home and that your cell phone still works, Mr. Becker. Everyone else: if you’re curious you’ll have to talk to him. I’m sure he’d be delighted to recount his little mishap 🙂

Thanks again Bob and David! We REALLY appreciate what you do for us.

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